Environmental Health Specialists:
The Certified Pool Operator (CPO) certification program is the world’s leading educational program for safely operating pools, spas, and other aquatic venues. This in-person CPO course provides two days of classroom instruction on proper pool operation, followed by a challenging 50 question exam. This course has been tailor-fit for environmental health specialists performing pool inspections. The Indiana rules and regulations for public/semi-public pools, spas, and other aquatic venues will be given special attention. Click here for more general information on CPO courses from the Pool and Hot Tub Alliance.
This course is jointly sponsored by the Indiana Environmental Health Association and by the Indiana Department of Health’s (IDOH’s) Environmental Health Association. It is offered essentially at cost and seats are limited. For these reasons, this training is limited to local and state health officials. The course will be co-taught once again by Steve Yeary, REHS of IDOH and Jason Ravenscroft, MHP, REHS of the Marion County Health Department.
Registration includes a hardcopy CPO training manual and a 5-year CPO certification upon successful completion of the exam. The manual can also be accessed here, so there is no reason to wait to receive your hardcopy.
This is a fast-paced course. First-time students NEED to read the manual before coming to class. Class time is designed to build a student’s understanding but couldn’t possibly cover all the information in the CPO manual. Students will get more out of the class while having a much higher chance of passing the exam on the first attempt IF they have read the manual before attending.
Registration must be made online, regardless of payment method.
April 20th, 2025
Payment can be made by credit/debit card during the registration process. Alternatively a check (made payable to IEHA) can be brought in person to class, or mailed with the invoice to the following address:
P.O. Box 457
Indianapolis, IN 46206-045
Please find links to the course schedule and venue directions below. The venue is marked as "pool school" on the directions.
2025 CPO Course schedule
Venue directions